Tuesday, 1 September 2015

YAShot Blog Tour - Q&A with Sarah Sky!

Welcome to lize bronwen reviews, and today I’m honoured to be a part of the blog tour for YA Shot - a YA and MG festival taking place in Uxbridge on Wednesday 28th October. Sadly, I cannot make it, but I hope everyone who goes has a wonderful time!

So as part of the blog tour, today I will be interviewing the wonderful Sarah Sky, author of the Jessica Cole: Model Spy Series, which so far consists of three books; Code Red Lipstick, Fashion Assassin and Catwalk Criminal.

1) What made you decide to become a writer?

I've always wanted to be a writer - ever since I was a child. I used to carry a notebook around with me so I could jot down notes for stories - something I still do. When I was about seven, I tried to get my first book published. It was called The Moondrop Family and I'd written and illustrated it myself. I had a very nice rejection letter from a publisher saying 'no' but not to give up. I didn't and was thrilled to be able to write the Jessica Cole: Model Spy series for Scholastic - Code Red Lipstick, Fashion Assassin and Catwalk Criminal.

2) Did you like to read or write as a child?

Reading and writing were my favourite pastimes at school - as well as outside school. I used to read vociferously - all the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew and Enid Blyton books I could get my hands on, particularly the Famous Five and Secret Seven. I also loved A Little Princess, Anne of Green Gables and The Wolves of Willoughby Chase. I used to write lots of stories as a child and I never stopped.

3) Are there any authors who you are inspired by?

There are lots of authors I'm inspired by - I always find it fascinating to see how other authors plan and structure their books. I think Malorie Blackman is a huge inspiration - she's achieved so much in her career and really put YA books in the spotlight by launching YALC last year. I hope it continues to run every year as it's great to bring so many amazing YA writers together in one event.

4) What gave you the idea for the Jessica Cole series?

I read a diary kept by a teenage supermodel during Paris Couture Week, which was published in a Sunday magazine. I found it fascinating to see how she could be modelling for huge designers one minute and then scuttle off the catwalk to catch up on her GCSE homework the next. It made me start to wonder about the double life a model could lead: could they be doing something else that no one else knew about at a fashion show? It suddenly struck me that being a fashion model would be a great front for working for MI6. It would give a teenage girl the perfect opportunity to travel the world, working for different photographers and designers, while spying for the Secret Intelligence Service.

5) Do you have any other books planned?

I'd love to write more books in the Jessica Cole: Model Spy series. I have plenty of ideas for further books.

I've recently finished writing a new YA book, which I'm very excited about. It's about love and friendships and secrets - and not a spy in sight! I'm also working on quite a dark thriller - the research is fascinating. I'm really enjoying exploring very different characters.

I’d just like to thank Alexia Casale and Sarah Sky for making this blog post possible, I love you both!

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