I have been looking forward to reading this for months, and I started recommending it to friends as soon as it came out - even before I'd read it myself. I just knew that I would love it!

Erica Elland and Louise Kirby are best friends, and even if they drift apart sometimes, there will always be this secret keeping them close - Erica is a superhero. Like, flying and everything. And nobody knows except for Louise.
Louise covers for Erica when she's out testing her powers. She does her homework twice so that Erica doesn't fall behind, and does the repair work on her burnt-out costume. Because Erica can not only fly, but she can produce fire from her hands, which has led to a lot of hilarious accidents in this book, which I loved.
When Erica meets Jay, a recruiter for the Vigils - a team of superheroes known worldwide - Louise has a bad feeling about him. Along with Vigil-fanboy Toby, she sets out to investigate and hopefully save the day.
As Erica starts to find new Vigil friends, she no longer needs Louise as much as she did when no one else knew about her powers. This leads to some distance forming between the girls - but Louise isn't giving up on their friendship.
I really, really enjoyed this book! It was funny, thrilling, and it definitely lived up to my expectations - everyone should read this book! I read this so fast, because I just loved it that much. I can't wait for what Nicole will write next!
Verdict: 5/5
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